Multi skills
If you want to know more about our Trades Academy you are more than welcome to contact our Head of Department Dr Janelle McKenzie via email to arrange a visit or to just get more information.
Kamo High School Mulit Skills course offers a unique opportunity for students to engage in learning that directly links to specific career paths. The Multi Skills course consists of the BCITO (Building Construction Industry Training Organisation) standards and allows students to experience practical and theory based learning at NCEA Level 2, as well as the opportunity for work placements. Students will also gain Numeracy and Literacy at NCEA Level 1, and a variety of other externally provided courses such as Health and Safety, First Aid and Driver Licensing. The course involves a project based learning approach where students will build a variety of projects for community purposes and utilize a range of Trades skills including; building, plastering, concreting, roofing, electrical wiring and installation, roofing and more. This allows students to undertake further training or enter an industry of their choosing.
The Trades Academy was also lucky enough to be able to be taken on a tour of Rayonier Matariki Forests Glenbervie, we would like to take this opportunity to again thank Will Steward the Regional Manager - Northland for taking the time to show us just how vast and time consuming this industry is - and how physically demanding it can be!
We have several other trips planned for the end of the year but these won’t be done by publishing time.They include a trip to the Kauri museum in Matakohe,Tane Mahuta, Waitangi, and Kiwi North to explore our vast heritage and to see how far we have come in not only our industry but our Nation's growth with all its ups and downs.
The Level 2 students have stepped up to make more cabins this year as demand for our wonderful work is at a premium. The only thing holding us back is the short supply of materials thanks to Covid.