Natasha Hemara

Tumuaki (Principal)

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa, nau mai haeremai ki te Te Kura Tuarua o Kamo. To all ākonga

(students) and whānau (families) we warmly welcome you to our school community.

Te Kamo High School seeks to educate our young people to grow into fine adults who will contribute to our society in a positive way. Each student brings a unique set of skills and knowledge with them and we value this diversity, aiming to develop every student as an individual. At Te Kamo High School we are able to provide students with multiple academic pathways to ensure that they are able to find a fit for themselves for their future. It is our belief that for our ākonga (students) to succeed, they need to feel connected and cared for and have confidence in their own abilities. When an ākonga (student) is comfortable in their abilities they will be encouraged to take risks in their learning and develop as a self-managing individual who, when they leave us, can navigate their own world in a confident and directed manner. Our mission statement “Through whānaungatanga we empower our ākonga to build resilience, integrity and excellence as they pursue their pathways to success” signals our commitment to building relationships and to work with whānau to support our students’ learning. We look forward to you joining our school where you will become an important part of our learning community. 

The pastoral care of our students is paramount. At Te Kamo High School a network of Deans, whānau Teachers, Counselors and Youth Worker supports each student. Strong links to students’ whānau allow us to develop a deep understanding of each individual’s needs. Our explicit teaching of values and dispositions in extended whānau time three times a week supports our students to remain connected despite all of the disruptions that we have been through in our last few years. Our staff are friendly, experienced professionals who enjoy working with young people. We work together to ensure that our students are cared for and have access to both personal and academic success. We give you our commitment that we will do our very best to provide your child with multiple learning experiences and opportunities that will set them up beyond school. We are excited to share with you the concept of our new school development due to be finished at the end of 2025.  


Ko Te Kamo te Rangatira

Te Kamo was the rangatira who oversaw the wellbeing of his people residing in the region namely Ngararatunua, Tikipunga, Hikurangi, Three Mile Bush, Whau Valley and what is now, the township known as Kamo. His early ability to facilitate matters face to face earned him the name Te Kamo.

The area was known for its abundance of ponga and whau trees, with the hills and valleys densely populated with this flora. During this period of time, the ponga tree was used as a thatch for whare roofing, while the Whau tree was used for its embalming qualities.

In recognition of the superabundance of ponga growth, Te Kamo built his pā on the hill that is now the site of the Kamo war memorial hall and kindergarten, naming the site Te Rauponga. In Grant Street stands a Puriri tree which was a significant site. In acknowledgement of Te Kamo the school adapted a metaphoric relationship between the ponga tree and students attending Kamo high school. Each part of the tree symbolises the growth of our school, students and staff.

Our Kaupapa:

We are proud to be a bicultural school which actively reflects and lives the Treaty of Waitangi. The Treaty principles put our students at the centre of teaching and learning, asserting that they should experience learning which engages and challenges them, which is inclusive and which affirms their identity. We have established a kaupapa which supports our Māori, and all students, to pursue their full potential.

Through Kia Eke Panuku, we know our Māori students do their best when we reflect and value their culture, identity and language. We focus on building strong relationships, and as a school we have a collective and shared commitment to encourage Māori student success. We provide our Māori students with the tools they need to walk in both worlds - te ao Pakeha me te ao Māori, and being able to balance them both through a key to both huarahi or pathways. Student voice is a key part of the vehicle which drives our teaching and learning; we listen, we reflect, we improve.



Our Principles are informed by a range of educational research, feedback from our community and experience from a range of sources. 

The Principles guide the direction of our curriculum design and pedagogy.

Banner Photo Credit: Allison Buchan